
Ain Sokhna, Suez, Egypt

Location: Ain Sokhna, Suez, Egypt
Size: 1,625,000 sq.m.
Status: Design Development

At about 55km south of Suez, Ain Sokhna is frequently used for day trips where people spend their weekends and enjoy its fine beaches, coral reefs, fishing docks and water sports.

Yukhout will extend this natural waterfront deep into the Egyptian desert, creating a whole new environment. 24% of the plot area will be covered in water: the 350m berth marina which will be able to accommodate the largest private yachts, the surroundings of the lakes and canals will create pleasant environments for social interaction and relaxation, and for the first time in Egypt, it will be possible to reach one’ s villa directly by yacht through a net of artificial canals.

    Dimensions Engineering Consultants is an Architectural and Engineering Consultancy firm established in 1984 in Dubai, UAE. The company has witnessed substantial, sustained growth, establishing offices in several countries across the world


    Nassima Tower,
    Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.
    P. O. Box: 31530


    +971 4 3277666


    +971 4 3277600


