Ras Al Nasa’a Resort

Doha, Qatar

Location: Doha, Qatar
Size: 15,000 sq.m.
Status: Design Development

This project is comprised of 3 elements: a boutique hotel with 150 rooms, luxury suites, villas and palaces for families, a marina, and a retail and banquet hall area, which includes specialty restaurants that serve hotel residents as well as outside guests.

The unique design of this hotel earned Dimensions 2nd prize in its competition, putting our firm ahead of many international firms that participated in this competition. Its traditional design creates an added value to the project as it also acts as a tourist attraction. The axial layout of the different elements maximizes use of the site and provides each of the facilities with its desired level of privacy. There are several entrance points around the site. The business facilities are located street-side, while the residential and hotel accommodations lie on internal gardens to add a level of privacy and segregation from the general public while still providing them with views of lush gardens, the pool and the sea.

    Dimensions Engineering Consultants is an Architectural and Engineering Consultancy firm established in 1984 in Dubai, UAE. The company has witnessed substantial, sustained growth, establishing offices in several countries across the world


    Nassima Tower,
    Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.
    P. O. Box: 31530


    +971 4 3277666


    +971 4 3277600


